Pax Cristi! Welcome to SBCEC Online.

Please take note of the following steps for enrollment:
STEP 1Register for an official SBCEC Online account.
STEP 2Sign in to your official SBCEC Online account, and check and confirm the following:
  • a. Family Profile
  • b. Child's Profile
STEP 3Click on the Enrollment button to view child's Enrollment Assessment.
Select your preferred Payment Scheme using the dropdown menu.
STEP 4View your Account Summary and Payment Options under Financials.
STEP 5The schedule of release of textbooks and school supplies will be announced on our official Facebook page. For school uniforms, questions and other concerns, please click on Contact Us

REMINDER: Please be informed that those with outstanding tuition accounts will not be able to proceed with the enrollment for SY 2021-2022. You may email for a copy of your Statement of Account and information on payment options. Thank you for your cooperation.
Home Enrollment Contact Us